Traffic Resolutions - Swan Lane and Garrett Street

Status Closed
Start date 9 December 2020
Closed date 22 December 2020

What happened to this consultation?

As part of the Swan Lane and Garrett Street upgrade, we asked for your input on a Traffic Resolution to make a series of changes to Garrett Street, Swan Lane and a portion of Cuba Street.

The proposed changes will improve pedestrian visibility and safety, increase pedestrian accessibility and provide additional public amenity space and will not impact the primary functioning of the streets and Swan Lane with access to buildings, businesses and servicing requirements.

Proposed changes

  • TR 119-20 (2.4MB PDF) - (Part of) Swan Lane, Cuba Street and Garrett Street-various parking changes

More information

For more information, please contact:
WCC Network Operations.
PO Box 2199, Wellington 6140
(04) 499 4444