Public Health Bylaw

Status Closed
Start date 23 April 2019
Closed date 24 May 2019
Number of submissions 11

What happened to this consultation?

Wellington City Council sought your views on the proposed changes to the Local Public Health Bylaw 2008. 

The Public Health Bylaw provides for the regulation of food premises and public swimming pools (public pools). 

Proposed changes

  • no longer provide for the registration, inspection and grading of food premises because this is now comprehensively regulated by the Food Act 2014; and
  • continue to provide for the registration of public pools because it provides a system that is working well to prevent the spread of disease via public pools, which in turn helps maintain a high level of trust in our public pools.  

Drafting improvements to the public pools content are proposed to provide greater clarity and a simpler drafting style.

Proposal documents

Next steps

  • June 2019: Feedback from this consultation is considered by the Council's City Strategy Committee.
  • June 2019: The Council decides whether to adopt the proposed changes.

More information

Leila Martley
Senior Policy Advisor
Phone: 04 499 4444