Island Bay Seawall

Status Closed
Start date 2 October 2014
Closed date 10 November 2014
Number of submissions 436

What happened to this consultation?

Wellington City Council sought your views on options for the area around the section of damaged seawall at Island Bay.

 Island Bay Seawall Alternatives Analysis - Coastal Processes Assessment (2.5MB PDF)
– Island Bay Smart Project - Seawall Alternatives Analysis - Additional Option (1.2MB PDF)

Next steps


The options for the seawall include either a combination of or aspects of the following:


After the June 2013 storm the Council placed a temporary rock barrier in the broken section of the seawall to protect the footpath and road. Before any decision is made on the options to address the damage, the Council sought to hear your preferred option for managing long-term coastal hazards in the area.

Tonkin & Taylor have been commissioned by the Council to undertake a high level assessment of coastal processes operating within Island Bay. They have evaluated likely future shoreline evolution and effects on the existing infrastructure, and assessed potential future management options to improve long-term resilience.

More information

Phone (04) 499 4444