Te Kohi Koha i ngā Huarahi
Street appeals

If you want to collect money on the street for a charity, you need to apply for a temporary licence to hold a street appeal.

Apply for a licence

It's a good idea to apply well in advance of your street appeal date. Some dates are in high demand and your first choice of date is not guaranteed. 

National charities that have a designated street appeal date will be given special consideration.

Apply for a licence to hold a street appeal

Terms and conditions

  1. You may only collect on the day approved, between the hours of 7am and 6pm. Your organisation must not collect on any other day during the calendar year. Failure to observe this condition may result in your organisation being refused annual appeal dates.
  2. Noise levels are to be kept to a reasonable level – no noise before 9am.
  3. Pedestrian access is to be maintained at all times.
  4. No more than three collectors at any one collection point.
  5. Business entrances and fire exits must not be blocked, to comply with NZ Fire Service regulations. If your collector is asked to move along by a retailer from their doorway or off their property, they are expected to do so.
  6. Collectors are to be clearly identified and display the name of the organisation and the appeal.
  7. If your collectors encounter problems with street performers, phone 04 499 4444 or move to another location.
  8. Collectors are not permitted on Council parks, lawns or gardens without permission from the Council Division administering these areas.
  9. All collection areas must be left clean and tidy.
  10. Collectors must comply with the instructions of the NZ Police or a Council Officer.


To arrange parking permits for your organisation on the day, make a request at least 7 days before the date of your street appeal by emailing parkingpermits@wcc.govt.nz

More information

Phone: 04 499 4444
Email: street.activities@wcc.govt.nz