Wellington Town Belt Bill

Status Closed
Start date 8 April 2014
Closed date 19 May 2014
Number of submissions 70

What happened to this consultation?

We sought your views on proposals to change the legal framework for the Wellington Town Belt (Town Belt).

The aim of the Bill is to both protect the Town Belt more and modernise the governance of it.


Brochure including maps and draft bill (2.8MB PDF)

Council approval of draft Bill

The final Wellington Town Belt Bill was approved by the Council on Tuesday 30 September 2014. The final Bill contains changes as a result of submissions received.

Wellington Town Belt Bill - approved by Council (229KB PDF)

Next steps

  • The Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives will be consulted. Unless this consultation requires the Council to reconsider any part of the Bill (which is not expected), then the Bill will be introduced into Parliament when the house sits before the end of 2014.
  • The Bill will then proceed through the normal process for a Parliamentary Bill, which will almost certainly include Select Committee hearings.

Wellington Town Belt Bill - Next Steps - DLA Phillips Fox (156KB PDF)

Background information

In 2013, the Council approved a set of drafting instructions that outlined what a bill for a local Act of Parliament would look like and aim to achieve. This draft Bill is based on these instructions.

Proposed Legislative Change: Drafting Instructions (39KB PDF) | Text version (64KB RTF)

Local bills are promoted by local authorities and deal with matters confined to a particular area, in this case Wellington. It is proposed that Wellington Central MP Grant Robertson will be the local MP who introduces the Bill to Parliament. 

More information

Mike Oates, Manager
Open Space and Recreation Planning

Phone (04) 499 4444
Email townbelt@wcc.govt.nz

Paul Andrews, Manager
Parks, Sport and Recreation

Phone (04) 801 3045
Email paul.andrews@wcc.govt.nz