Proposed traffic resolutions for temporary street changes – COVID-19 response projects

Status Closed
Start date 15 May 2020
Closed date 28 May 2020
Number of submissions 0

What happened to this consultation?

The paper proposing temporary bike lanes and other street changes to encourage social distancing around Wellington has been withdrawn from Wellington City Council’s Strategy and Policy Committee agenda on Thursday 11 June.  This follows the government’s announcement of the move to alert level 1 and the lifting of all social distancing requirements, which is expected to see capacity on public transport return to normal.
The Council has also called a halt to proposed temporary changes on Featherston, Hunter and Victoria streets. 
It’s possible some of these projects may be progressed at a later stage. If this happens, the feedback that has already been provided will be very helpful, and we will be able to work more closely with the community as the proposals are developed. Thank you for taking the time to provide your thoughts on these proposals.

Proposed changes

Reference Location and proposed changes
TR98-20 (873KB PDF)  (Part of) Evans Bay Parade – two-way pop-up bike lane 
TR99-20 (842KB PDF)  (Part of) Brooklyn Road – pop-up uphill bike lane
TR100-20 (831KB PDF)  (Part of) Onepu Road – pop-up bike lanes both sides
TR101-20 (887KB PDF)  (Part of) Massey Road (Shelly Bay to Scorching Bay) – one-way for cars and a shared biking and walking path
TR102-20 (964KB PDF)  (Part of) Stout Street  – wider pedestrian route on east side

More information

For additional information or assistance you can contact us by:

Phone: (04) 499 4444