Resource Consent - North Kumutoto Precinct Project - 10 Waterloo Quay and 59 Customhouse Quay

Status Closed
Start date 20 November 2014
Closed date 18 December 2014
Location 10 Waterloo Quay, Wellington (Site 10)
59 Customhouse Quay, Wellington (Site 8 and immediate surrounds)
Service Request Number WCC service request numbers:
319386 (Site 10) and 320128 (Site 8 and immediate surrounds)
GWRC reference numbers:
WGN150102 (Site 10) and WGN150103 (Site 8 and immediate surrounds)
Name of Applicant Site 10 Redevelopment Limited Partnership (Site 10)
Wellington City Council (Site 8 and immediate surrounds)
Applicant's Address for Service Site 10 Redevelopment Partnership Limited
c/- Urban Perspectives Ltd
PO Box 9042
Wellington 6141
Attention: Alistair Aburn

Wellington City Council
c/- Urban Perspectives Ltd
PO Box 9042
Wellington 6141
Attention: Alistair Aburn

What happened to this public notice?

Wellington City Council and Greater Wellington Regional Council received applications from Site 10 Redevelopment Limited Partnership and Wellington City Council for the North Kumutoto Precinct Project (the project). The project consists of two proposals, described below:

  • Proposal One – (Applications 1 and 2)
  • Proposal Two – (Applications 3 and 4)

These applications were sought concurrently and were notified in the Dominion Post on Thursday 20 November 2014. Submissions have now closed on these applications.

Proposal One: Construction of a five-storey commercial building on Site 10

Application 1: Consent sought from Wellington City Council – SR number 319386

Land use consents to construct, use and maintain a five-storey commercial building at Site 10 within the Lambton Harbour Area and associated earthworks for the construction of a basement level. The proposal involves the use and development of potentially contaminated land and on-site storage of hazardous substances (diesel fuel).

Application 2: Consent sought from Greater Wellington Regional Council – WGN150102

  • [33223]: Water permit to divert and/or take groundwater during the construction of a commercial building, including the basement level.
  • [33224]: Discharge permit for the potential discharge of contaminants to land, including to the reticulated stormwater system; and potential discharge to groundwater during construction of a new commercial building, including basement level.

Proposal Two: Development of public open spaces

Application 3: Consent sought from Wellington City Council – SR No: 320128

Land use consents to construct and use new and modified public open spaces and associated structures at North Kumutoto, including the establishment, maintenance and use of a building (former Toll Booth building) which is to be relocated to the site. The proposal involves earthworks, and the use and development of potentially contaminated land.

Application 4: Consent sought from Greater Wellington Regional Council - WGN150103:

  • [33225]: Coastal Permit to occupy the coastal marine area with new structures associated with the proposed works.
  • [33226]: Coastal Permit to construct, maintain and use structures in the coastal marine area, and associated modification to the protected wharf edge and reclamation edge, at North Kumutoto within the Lambton Harbour Development Area.
  • [33227]: Coastal Permit to discharge contaminants to the coastal marine area during the construction of the public open spaces in and adjacent to the coastal marine area.

Public notice

Public Notice (161KB PDF)

Original application documents

Volume 1: Applications

Assessment of environmental effects

Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) Report (1MB PDF)

Appendices to AEE

Applicants request for direct referral to the Environment Court

Council decision on direct referral request

Council's further information request - 1

Further Information Request #1 (4MB PDF)

What happens next

The Environment Court

All submitters who have since become section 274 parties, as well as Wellington City Council and Greater Wellington Regional Council must file their expert evidence with the Environment Court by 24 July 2015.

The Environment Court has confirmed that the applications will be heard in the week beginning 24 August 2015.

Council's further information request - 2

Section 87(F) reports

Notice of motions and affidavits