Trade Waste Bylaw 2004 Review

Status Closed
Start date 18 December 2015
Closed date 26 February 2016
Number of submissions 2

What happened to this consultation?

Wellington City Council would like your views on the Trade Waste Bylaw 2004 Review. The Council is keen to know what residents, ratepayers and stakeholders think about the proposed amended Trade Waste Bylaw so it can consider those matters.

Proposal documents

Trade Waste Consultation document (347KB PDF)Text version (2.4MB PDF)

The purpose of the current Trade Waste Bylaw is limited to protection of the wastewater system, workers operating in or with the wastewater system, and the environment. By minimising the risk of trade waste-related blockages in the wastewater system and the resultant overflows of wastewater, there is a reduction in contamination risk to the stormwater system and an overall benefit to its quality.

More information

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