Island Bay to City Cycle Route - Shorland Park to Wakefield Park Section

Status Closed
Start date 8 April 2014
Closed date 6 May 2014
Number of submissions 188

What happened to this consultation?

Wellington City Council sought your views on two options for cycle lanes along The Parade (Section 1 of the Island Bay to City cycle route).

To check out the proposals that were consulted on, see: Section 1: Island Bay cycleway

Feedback Sought on Island Bay Cycle Improvements - Scoop

Next steps

  • 20 May 2014
    The Transport and Urban Development Committee will consider the officers’ report and decide which option will be built.
  • June 2014
    Detailed design work will begin to finalise the precise details of the changes.

    Some minor works may begin during July 2014. Substantive works are expected to begin in September 2014.